When winter is in full swing, it gets dark and damp. It is easy for your house to become a breeding ground for mildew and mold during the colder months, presenting several health risks. You can quickly get eye irritations, respiratory issues, headaches, and sinus infections too. Mildew and mold are dangerous, especially if you have senior citizens or infants living with you because they usually have weaker immunity. Apart from the health issues, mold can also damage your building structure and furniture.

If you have no idea what it is, mold is an airborne spore that does well in warm, damp conditions. It can form on various surfaces, including tiles, plastics, painted concrete walls, and wooden furniture. Mildew will also form on textiles. Because mold can cause a lot of damage, it is vital to deal with it before it causes extensive damage. Here are ways to do so.

  1. Identify any problems and correct them quickly

It is impossible to mold-proof your house, but you could make it mold-resistant. The first necessary step is to conduct an audit. Identify your problem areas. For instance, do specific windows in your house have too much condensation? Do you have watermarks on your ceiling from persistent leaks? And does your basement flood? Preventing mildew from growing could be as easy as addressing these issues.

Start by removing the carpet from your damp basement or install mold-resistant fixtures. You could also repair your leaking roof or damaged gutters. Sometimes dry fogging for mold and waterproofing will help prevent any from growing in the first place. It is also effective in preventing existing mold from spreading. Whatever approach you choose, ensure that it is effective and done as soon as the problem is discovered.

  1. Proper ventilation

Sometimes, the activities occurring within certain rooms in your home tend to encourage the growth of mildew. To ensure that simple everyday activities such as showering, preparing meals, and laundry don’t invite mold, have proper ventilation within these rooms. All high moisture areas in the house, including your kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom, should be well-ventilated.

You can also vent any appliances in your home that tend to produce moisture, like stoves, to the outside. Another solution is using dehumidifiers and AC units, especially if you live in humid climates.

  1. Dry any wet areas immediately

Mold requires moisture to grow. Therefore, it is vital to dry off any wet areas immediately. Sometimes water might seep into your basement after heavy rains or accumulate in your attic due to a leaking pipe. Even if it is just spillage on your carpet, ensure that you dry out any water within 24 to 48 hours. In case of a flood, remove your carpets, beddings, or furniture outside to dry them entirely.

After removing any waterlogged item outside for proper drying and care, dry your interior surfaces completely. Lastly, avoid leaving wet clothes inside your washing machine as these are breeding grounds for mold to spread.

Mildew and mold can cause a lot of inconvenience and damage to both property and human beings. These tips are practical for every homeowner and don’t require a lot of money to actualize. In the case of mildew, prevention is always better than cure.