Real estate is a tough game to play. It requires a lot of effort on many fronts, which means that you have to divide your efforts, all the while being awesome on each front.

One of the fronts where you can gain a massive advantage over your competitors is online, since many realtors still fail to incorporate online marketing into their business, relying instead on other marketing practices. This means that there is a wide area of unexplored online marketing practices that can be used to reach out to potential clients and clinch that deal that will get you through the year. Here, I’ll present you with some and leave you to find out about the rest.

Do Extensive Keyword Research

Keywords are what SEO is all about, technically. The better your optimization for specific keywords, the better your place in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) will be for that combination of words. Since no one looks at the third page for results, but only at the first two, it is obvious that it is imperative that you appear within those two pages.

The way to do this is to use Google Analytics to see which keywords in your niche are widely searched for. Also, make sure to boost your stats on the local level, because this way, you will be able to target specific customers in the areas where the houses/flats that you really want to sell are. Of course, researching keywords is only the first step in a wider marketing plan that you should develop.

Use Your Blog to Your Advantage

What? You don’t have a blog? Well, that’s the first thing that you will have to set right. If you have a website (which I’m sure you do), talk to your developer about adding a blog section to it. If you don’t have a website, there is always WordPress, a CMS (Content Management System) which is very easy to use and allows you to create a blog without any additional prices, or without much effort.

If you already have a blog, you can disregard the last paragraph. The thing you have to do now is fill your blog with proper content that will boost the keywords we’ve been talking about. This includes blog posts about various houses that you are trying to sell, which will reflect well on the local keywords. Use your social media activity to cover these blog posts and you will be good to go.

Utilize Other Content as Well

Of course, SEO has evolved from incorporating only written content to working with all other kinds of media. Videos, pictures, gifs, sound clips and even memes can be useful to boost your existing content and, with them, your outreach to potential customers.

One of the ways to utilize videos is to get testimonials from your satisfied customers. Even better – take a video of them as soon as they’ve purchased a house. Every person is elated when they’ve purchased a house and that moment is perfect to be caught on camera and then shared all over social media and included on your website, as it will show real people (and real happiness) to potential customers.

Since in the world of real estate, a lot of things are faked for good marketing, your customers will certainly appreciate this, and you will get a free natural boost to your SERPs just because you have shown natural content.

Hire an Experienced SEO Company

However, if all of the above sounds like too much of a hassle for you to do on a regular basis (and it can be, because, like I said, it’s hard to work on multiple fronts), you always have the option of hiring an SEO company that will handle your content for you. There are a lot of them and the best SEO companies will make sure that you rise quickly. This will almost surely provide you with a massive boost to the number of clients that will contact you, as more and more of people searching for real estate in your area will see your name pop up when searching for houses.

As mentioned at the beginning, real estate is hard. But, through the good use of SEO, you can stay ahead of your competition and reach out to your customers in a more efficient manner. Even if you pay for SEO services, it will still be worth it in the end.