Take a look around your house. Is your closet about ready to burst? Does your home office look like a bomb went off? If so, cracks might be appearing in the “organized yet chaotic” lifestyle that you’ve practiced for years.

When these cracks start to appear, it’s a sign that you need to get things under control. But how can you declutter everything without getting overwhelmed?

Keep reading for a guide that will fill you in on how to declutter your home, no matter how cluttered it currently is.

Make a Checklist

It can be a lot of work to attack a decluttered home, so the best way to go into it is with a plan.

Decide on some different decluttering goals that you want to accomplish, and be realistic. When do you want to have everything finished by? What are the major tasks that you need to complete to get things in order?

Tackle One Section at a Time

Speaking of not getting overwhelmed, trying to get your entire house in order in a day is an easy way to burn yourself out. Make a point to approach your house methodically, tackling one area at your time.

Consider starting with something small, such as getting your desk area in order. Once you do that, you can move on to bigger things, such as your closets and cabinets.

Donate Clothes You Never Wear

If you’re like most people, then your closet and dresser need a lot of attention. The average person spends $151 on clothes a month, with many of these pieces then going unworn.

Sort through your clothes and separate them into three piles. Make one pile for donations, one for what you’ll keep, and one for those really old pieces that you should throw in the trash.

Look Into Different Storage Options

The best way to stay organized is to make sure that everything gets put in a proper place. Storage containers and bins can help you keep things organized, but make sure you don’t use them as an excuse to hold onto junk.

Containers are great for clothes, decorations, files, and anything else that you can sort then put away for later use.

Enlist a Friend for Help

It’s a good idea to enlist friends and family for help in your organizational endeavors. Aside from helping you, they can also offer a second set of eyes.

They’ll also be able to identify some areas of your house that need more attention. If they find a lot more junk for you to get rid of, take a look at these options.

Wondering How to Declutter Your Home? This Guide Should Help

No matter how messy it is, it’s never too late to get to work decluttering your home. By following this guide and the tips mentioned, you’ll have a good understanding of how to declutter everything. You’ll have a clean house and peace of mind before you know it!

Did you find these decluttering tips helpful? If you did, take a moment to check out some of our other blog posts for more guides and tips.