Working with metal isn’t easy but if you’re willing to learn, use your resources, and get the right tools, you can accomplish nearly any home improvement project involving metal. Going DIY with metal is arguably tougher than going DIY for simpler projects such as painting walls, installing appliances, and doing small plumbing jobs. But if you have a few metal projects that you’d like to get done, you might find it useful to know about some helpful DIY kits that can make your project as simple as possible.

Planning to Install a Balustrade

Suppose you have a stairway, an upper story floor, or a balcony. To prevent people and kids from losing their balance and falling, you’re probably going to install a balustrade. There are several different kinds of balustrades but since you’d like to work with metal, you should consider installing a stainless steel balustrade. Working with a metal balustrade is a great way to improve your skills when working with metal, and besides, metal balustrades look great and they’re also very sturdy.

If you’d like to install a stainless steel balustrade, start by looking online for stainless steel balustrade DIY kits. You’ll be able to find a kit and you can order it online and expect the kit to arrive in a few days.

Beginning the Installation Process

When you order a balustrade kit, you’ll get some posts, railing, wire, and hardware. You’re going to need to measure the inside distance between your end posts to get the correct amount of wire. Next, you’re going to need to drill two 4mm pilot holes in each of your end posts. These will secure the ends of your wire and keep it nice and tight.

Next, you should drill 4mm holes in each of your middle posts. The wires will be fed through these holes and secured at each end post. You’re going to need a swage sleeve at the end of each wire but don’t worry; these sleeves usually come with each standard balustrade kit. Simply feed the wire through one end of the sleeve, loop it around, and feed it back through the other end. You’ll need to pinch the swage sleeve using a swage tool, which you might need to purchase separately. This will keep the wire in place.

Attach your new loop to one end post using an included bracket and a rivet tool. Feed your wire through your middle posts and cut it 100mm short of the other end post. Then, simply make another loop using another swage sleeve and your swage tool. You can then attach your bottlescrew (which comes with a balustrade kit) to the other end post and attach your loop to the screw. The middle part of the bottlescrew can be tightened to create more wire tension. Then, you should have one completed wire part of the balustrade.

All you have to do is repeat the same process for your second wire and you’ll have a nice-looking metal balustrade that you built all by yourself. It’s a relatively easy process and with a DIY kit, you’ll get the whole thing done in a couple of hours.