Pests are constantly in search of warm and safe shelter as well as a reliable food source. Unluckily, your home can be an attractive place for pests to stay in. Because the seasons influence pests, they pose threats that tend to change whenever the weather changes. If you wish to keep these unwanted guests out of your house, you must know the seasonal pest patterns. This way, you can take precautions every time the weather changes. To properly address any signs of pest infestation, get in touch with experts who specialize in pest control in Nampa.

Pests Tend to Become Awake and Mate in Spring

As the ice melts in spring, the temperature becomes warm, flowers bloom, and pests have access to moisture and warmth. This gives the perfect time to start their activity after being in their nesting spots during the cold months. This is the reason you may find termites swarming and wasps awakening from their dormancy. And ants may try to get inside your house to find higher grounds because of excess rains.

In addition, pests mate in spring. While they may usually do this outside of your house, some pests will search for protected areas like your house to make their nests. So, make sure to watch for any changes inside your house, like an ant invasion.

Summer is the Time for Backyard Pest Invasion

Typically, summer provides a reprieve from pests that seek shelter in your house. But, this is the time of the year when mosquitoes appear in abundance. And the number of mosquitoes in your backyard can increase more due to heavy spring and summer rains because they tend to look for water sources as their breeding site. Also, summer is usually the season for insects such as wasps, bees, and ticks.

Pests Prepare for Winter in Fall

As pests prepare for the coldest months of the year, they will find a warm, sheltered location. Because of this, you may find a lot of spiders and bugs entering your house. They usually hide in your home’s cracks and crevices. Because of this, you must seal any cracks, gaps, holes, and crevices properly in fall.

Pests Hibernate in Winter

Some pests hibernate to preserve energy and protect themselves from harsh climates. Some pests like rats and mice cannot tolerate the cold, so they may find a safe retreat inside your house. Others like wasps and ants survive the cold by building a safe place in logs, eaves of houses, and trees.