The need to keep animals in, or out, has always been an issue for our farmers, and with large areas to cover, electric fencing has provided a cost-effective solution. Rustic fencing is a symbol of the countryside, and with modern materials, one can achieve containment, while blending into the scenery. Livestock areas, such as milking sheds, require the right type of fencing, and with modern solutions available, the farmer can effectively control their livestock.

Electric fencing

One good thing about using electric fencing to contain animals, it does not hurt the animal in any way. A small electrical discharge deters the animal from touching the wire. These systems are the most effective method of containment, especially over long distances.

Permanent solutions

Large farms with vast grazing areas require a more permanent solution, and electrical fencing is a cost-effective way to do this, ensuring the animals are safely contained and free from danger. Large farms will usually enlist the help of an experienced fencing contractor, who will undertake regular maintenance checks, ensuring the system is not compromised.

Endangered species

Electric fencing is invaluable for wildlife conservationists who wish to provide a secure environment for an endangered species. By using the right type of fencing, the delicate eco-system is unaffected, while your goal has been achieved.

Predator control

Ranger and park employees effectively use fencing to control the movement of certain predatory species, allowing other animals to increase their numbers. Chickens and ducks are always on a Foxe’s menu, and in these situations, the right protection is vital. Electric netting provides a higher level of security, and is ideal for all poultry and other small farm animals. One is able to control the voltage output, allowing for specific settings that target a predator. The netting also keeps your animals from entering a dangerous environment, which could have catastrophic consequences.

The farmhouse

The centre of activity, you will need a range of fencing in this busy area. Livestock are always kept close to the main living quarters, and they all need protection. Traditionally, farm gates have always been a symbol of the farm, and with today’s modern solutions, your entrance will be secure, and won’t look out of place.

The farmer’s best friend

It has been said that a reliable fencing contractor is the one thing a farmer cannot do without, with large areas to cover, fencing needs to be cost-efficient and effective in animal containment, not to mention the maintenance involved. Farming in a complex industry, and with so much to attend to, it is comforting to know that all your fencing issues can be handled by a third party, including visual inspections, and instant repair when needed. Fencing has evolved alongside technology, offering security at a reasonable cost.

If you are in need of fencing, talk to the experts who can provide the ideal solution, whatever the environment. There is a wide range of residential fence styles that will enhance your home, and provide you with the privacy and security you need.