Even with the holiday season passing, you should still feel ready at any moment to have some guests over for a good time!

Nobody wants to host a gathering in a dull and drab setting, so you may be looking for some ways to deep clean your humble abode in order to spruce it up into both a clean and inviting environment.

Whether you’re open to using any store-bought cleaners or prefer eco-friendly options, there are several deep cleaning tips and tricks that can suit your individual needs!

Revitalize Those Surfaces!

Have you ever noticed that when you enter a room, your eyes navigate straight to any clean surfaces surrounding the area? Clean and shiny surfaces not only add vibrancy to a room, but they also cause the room to naturally look larger due to the appearance of open spaces.

Glass surfaces can be effectively cleaned with just soap and water, or even ammonia if the area seems to look foggy. Cloudy spots on glass happen even more frequently in homes with children due to their cute little fingerprints that they leave around, but wiping the area with ammonia will clear the spots right up without leaving a streaky finish.

When it comes to wooden surfaces, water and dish soap can clean areas just as efficiently as high-end wood cleaners.

However, buying a nice beeswax-based formula to use after you’ve cleaned the surface will give you the ability to add a magnificent shine that is sure to catch the eye of your guests. If you want a more environmentally-friendly option, olive oil will do the trick as well.

Transform Your Floors to Stain-Free Masterpieces!

Whether your floors are hardwood, ceramic, or laminate, it is important to sweep or vacuum the area before proceeding with any other aspect of the deep cleaning process.

Once your floors are free of any stray debris, dish soap and water can be used to adequately clean almost any surface. If you notice dirt and grime caught between cracks and crevices between tiles or floor panels, a mild detergent can be used on a soft cloth in order to try to lift and remove any stains and leftover particles.

When it comes to carpeting, you may notice that even after vacuuming, stains can still leave you with drab-looking floor space. Fortunately, almost every common stain can be treated with the right tools!

When it comes to pet stains, the best route to go is pre-treating the area with baking soda, followed by white vinegar and water. This will allow the stains to be instantaneously lifted, leaving you with a much clearer carpet.

If you’re dealing with drink stains, one tablespoon of vinegar and two cups of warm water should do the trick!

The thought of deep cleaning your entire home may seem overwhelming, but it certainly doesn’t have to be! These cleaning hacks will allow you to create a blemish and germ-free environment that you’re happy to show off at any given opportunity!

Not only will you be able to rest easy knowing that your surroundings are as unpolluted as possible, but you’ll find reassurance in the fact that your home looks as lovely and as welcoming as possible!