In the complex and often-confusing arena of contemporary home improvement, it can be difficult to pinpoint an impactful, value-added project for your property, particularly if your home is lacking in multiple areas.

However, it’s important to note that you cannot go wrong with tending to your roof and this brief article will explain why.

Lucrative ROI

As any reputable real estate professional will tell you, it’s in your best interests to take a long, hard look at a project’s potential return on investment before contracting any on-site work; in other words, how much money will the undertaking add to the intrinsic value of your home?

In this regard, it’s worth mentioning that the decision to replace, refurbish, or augment your roofing solution will allow you to recoup more than 70% of the up-front fees and add up to €11,000 to your home’s resale value, according to a 2017 cost vs. value analysis.

Slash Energy Costs

Your windows, walls, floors, and roofing materials are commonly referred to as the “thermal envelope,” due in large part to their porous energy retention capabilities:

  • 10% of heat loss comes from your windows
  • Approximately 20% through your floors
  • About 28% through your walls
  • Up to 30% of your interior heat loss is directly attributed to a dilapidated roof

So if you’ve noticed incremental escalations in your monthly utility bills or a perceived increase in draughts throughout the home, it’s time to schedule an on-site evaluation with a reputable team of roofers in PO21.

With a highly trained, time-tested team of roofing specialists by your side, you’ll be able to start prudently reinvesting money back into your property while simultaneously reducing your month-to-month energy expenses. Be sure to schedule a comprehensive site evaluation as soon as possible.